IJMB Registration Portal - How to Obtain IJMB Form

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Requirements for IJMB Programme

2020/2021 IJMB registration details

Theme question on the requirements for 2020/2021 IJMB registration keeps coming as students keep asking question about it over and over again. To this effect, Amas Nigeria have decided to write a post on the requirement for 2020/2021 IJMB admission. So, this post will expose you to what you need to know before obtaining IJMB FORM.

 HELPLINES: 08078187910 OR 08032310760

Requirements for 2019/2020 IJMB Registration

We are providing this information to completely answer the question on REQUIREMENTS FOR 2020/2021 IJMB REGISTRATION.

Also Read: Schedule of IJMB school fees


To start, We want to address the issue of whether IJMB prospective candidates are expected to write IJMB entrance examination or not. The truth is that whether or not a student will be writing entrance examination depends on the centre He/She registered with.

For our IJMB partnering centres, We do not conduct entrance examination. Since you are probably going to apply with us here, there is no need for you to write any exam after the registration.

IJMB prospective candidates often sit for entrance examination IJMB registration if they apply with study centres that require their students to sit for an entrance text.

The IJMB entrance examination is adopted by some centres in order to reduce the over populated students that must have applied to the particular centre. However, what we do at our centres is to assign students to our various available study nationwide. Our partnering study centers have the resources to accommodate more applicants.

Our students only undergo IJMB examination at the end of the programme in our IJMB CENTRES and apply for DIRECT ENTRY with the result acquired from the programme.

IJMB grades are usually calculated in points. The general points for a course is 5points. If a student should score A in the three ( 3 ) courses a candidate registered for, the total score will be 15 points

Below are the steps to take to register for IJMB and the requirement for IJMB registration.

Requirements For 2020/2021 IJMB Registration

Requirements for 2020/2021 IJMB Registration

To obtain 2020/2021 IJMB registration form, candidates are expected to possess at least five credit passes in their O/level results. Applicants without credit pass in either English language and Mathematics can also apply. However, they are expected to register for the either of the two.

Applicants with AWAITING RESULTS can also apply but their O’level result must be available before University admission as it will be required by their preferred university.

Prospective applicants can visit any of our IJMB registration centers closer to them with two passport photographs to apply for the programme. Contact 08032310760 for address.

You can also do the registration at the comfort of your internet enabled device by clicking here.

Note: IJMB Registration is #8,000 only

After IJMB programme then what next?

This is one of the many questions asked by prospective IJMB students. They do not know how to go about the direct entry admission after passing through IJMB programme.

IJMB result is usually released 60 days after IJMB exam which is always conducted by FEBRUARY/MARCH yearly. When the result is released, successfully students are expected to purchase Direct Entry Form from JAMB and fill it accordingly. Further instructions will be communicated to the students by their various preferred universities.

Note: Examination for 2020/2021 is June/July.

  • HELPLINES: 08078187910 OR 08032310760
Updated: October 13, 2022 — 1:03 pm


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  1. How many months will be used for the ijmb process

    1. Less than a year. Approximately 9-10 months.

  2. What subject combination will be used for nursing science

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