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7 Categories Of IJMB Students That May Fail IJMB Examination in 2019

If you do not want to fail IJMB examination , then this write up is for you. After reading this, you should be able to avoid this path.

7 Categories Of IJMB Students That May Fail IJMB Examination

IJMB Students That May Fail IJMB Examination


In our previous article, We discussed how to can read for long hours preparing for IJMB programme. We also provided guide on how IJMB candidates can pass IJMB examination without stress.

In this post, We will be discussing something different. We will be showing you the 7 categories of IJMB Students that may fail IJMB examination.

What is IJMB:

IJMB means Interim Joint Matriculation Board. IJMB is a nine month programme. The certificate Can be used to secure admission into 200lv without JAMB into 70% of Nigerian Federal, State and Private Universities.


The 7 Categories Of IJMB Students That May Fail IJMB Examination in 2019

1. The Social Candidates:
This type of candidates are the types that are always online. They have read numerous websites to get the latest news about IJMB. They are alway on their coordinator’s neck for information but will never utilize it.
These guys just want to see things happen. They never make attempt to make things happen. Their work is basically to argue about IJMB centres online.
To score very high in IJMB, you need a private study life. If you want to pass IJMB examination, you have to double your effort to gain maximum result. If you still don’t understand what we mean, read this post.


2. The Religious IJMB Student:
These set of people are very funny. They believe there’s nothing God cannot do. So, they fail to prepare for examination with the believe that God will throw the answers from heaven.

However, there’s one that they fail to understand. God loves hard work.
little wonder he commanded us to study so as to show ourselves approved. God can make you remember all that you have read.

After studying hard for IJMB examination, just wait for the Holy Ghost to remind you of all you have studied.

3. The Shortcut Masters:
This set of people will be one of the first to fail if there is an order of failure. These are those that want to bypass the rules of examination. A lot of them usually go online searching for phone numbers that can assist them. They call us a lot.

Students like these are very hardworking and can go any length to bypass examination rules. However, they do not channeled the energy to their study life. At the end of the day these category of students usually fall into Scam and get disappointed
IJMB Students who depend on expo will likely fail IJMB.

4. The Fearful IJMB Candidates:
The fear of IJMB examination is the beginning of failure. So, if you want to pass IJMB examination, one of the first things you need to kill is the fear of the exam.
A fearful IJMB candidate believes it is not easy to get the required point for his or her Course. Those that fall into this category believes that scoring 15 points in IJMB is not possible. However, this is not true because We have had students over the years who have graduated from our various accredited study centres with 15 points.
It is possible that you have heard that people fail JAMB in the past, however, don’t lose confidence in yourself. If you fall in this category you can read our post on how to handle examination tension  


5. The Slow IJMB Student:
A student that is very slow at answering questions is possibly going to fail IJMB examination because there is no time. You have to utilize the time you have exceedingly.
When you are going to the examination hall, make sure you are with a wristwatch. The investigator should not be the one to remind you that you have 10min remaining. Always be ahead. If you want to pass IJMB examination, don’t waste time answering one question.

6. The Crammers
IJMB questions are not straightforward questions. You need to decode the questions before answers, else you might just be misinterpreting questions and providing wrong answers to it. If you are the type that cram you will surely have problem answering IJMB questions. Just because you don’t study to understand, a twist in IJMB examination questions will confuse you . If you plan to sit for IJMB examination, You need to aim for better understanding. You may want to read the right way to study for IJMB examination.

7. Procrastinators
Instead of reading from the beginning of the programme, a lot of IJMB Students will be thinking there’s still time. However, before they realize it, it is already the February (examination month). If you are in this category, there is still hope for you.



08078187910 OR 08032310760


Updated: January 1, 2023 — 1:49 pm


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  1. Can i still register for ijmb now

    1. Yes! Application is still ongoing.

  2. What time can I register for the coming ijmb program which will begins lectures in 2019 ?

    1. Registration will begin by December

  3. Can I register now

  4. I had D7 in my 0level literature but credit in other subjects related to my course (Literature in English). Pls What can I do about it?

    1. Firstly, IJMB accepts awaiting results. What you need to do is to Sit for another O/level examination. You can do that while undergoing your IJMB programme.

  5. Please can I still register now?

    1. Yes. You can. Kindly call 07032375931 for more information.

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