University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) post ume form for 2015/2016 is out
This trend is provided for prospective students who wishes to gain admission either via direct entry or JAMB/UTME into University of Ilorin (UNILORIN).
We believe at the end of this admission
session, we’ll all have cause to be happy and for that to happen, you have to be updated on regular basis.
Now that the registration for UNILORIN post ume is getting closer, we advise student to sit tight.
For those that have gotten UNILORIN past questions and answers, kudos to you, but don’t just get it and keep it. study it!
We understand how you feel when
information is at your finger tips and
also we understand it when you find it hard to know the next course of action to take in your pursuit for admission.
In a bit to provide you with the needed steps to follow, IJMB GUIDE with the assistance of Amas Dave took a step to create this post/trend which will provide Latest Post-UTME updates and other admission info from university of Ilorin (Unilorin)
Prospective students are advised to ask questions via the comment box and get answers as soon as possible from us.
Please, as a direct entry student, will I write post ume into unilorin? Thanks.
Yes. You’ll obtain post ume form just like utme students.
please, how will i write my exam? since i’ve gotten my direct entry form and i chose UNILORIN and i also chose UNILORIN on my JAMB form. am i going to get two post UTME forms and write two post UTME exams or how do i go about it?
You are to obtain two post utme forms. Make sure you don’t obtain your form the same day so that it will not clash
alright, IJMB has really added a lot to me in this past one year. thank you
When will 2015 post utme form out?
Probably by July ending
Pls, I want to have an idea about PG entrance exam format
pls can u inbox me wheneva d form is out
It will be posted here when it’s out.
Plz will Ilorin be affected by the new jamb admission policy.
Will the cut off mark going to be also increased especially for medicine.
The policy was made by JAMB. So, it affects all university
nt uni is affected ilorin may use 200
Pls wot is d cut-off mark for mechanical eng at illorin
There is no specific cut off but 210 and above should be good enough. The only thing you should worry about now is the so called policy by JAMB.
Hopefully this week.
what is the cut off mark for medicine and surgery?
Unilorin is yet to release their JAMB cut off mark. That of last year was 215.
pls has uni ilorin reales dia cut off marks? nd secondly wen i try to chek d uni jamb post me to. mine always tel me sori dear ISAH HARUNA u hav not been posted yet. pls wat dos dat mean. hop it nt a problem
How does this ijmb. Goes about and what is d least grade which you can proceed to direct entry is the programme available now ?on nw ?
A Student can gain admission with at least 4points depending on his/her course. Follow this link for required points for ijmb
Will I need Jamb/post jamb for unilorin admission processes.,if I am to go for IJMB
Please can you give me details about Direct Entry for faculty of law using first degree? I will like to know the admission period and necessary steps. I went through Unilorin website and I couldn’t find any information relating to first degree entry procedure.
What do you mean by “Admission Period”
Do unilorin collect ijmb as direct entry and what point do they collect for medical laboratory science
Please enlighen me more on ijMB because am thinking of purchasing you form
All the information you need is on this website. If you are not sure of anything, you can give us a call via the phone numbers above
Pls, when is the next Direct Entry for Unilorin coming out. And is the institution considering H.N.D. or do they just admit N.D holders? Department of Architecture specifically. Thanks
You can use either HND or ND for direct admission into unilorin
Please I want to purchase a direct entry form into unilorin and I am an NCE holder who studied biology /integrated science. Please what courses im I likely to get? And when will the form be out?
First, what course are you going for? The form will be out by April /may
Pls I want to obtain form 4 dis year Direct entry…I want to study information communication science…I hv upper credit in my ND wot ar my chance…nd I do I go abt it.
Good day, I just finished my first degree in Zoology at University of Ibadan and I want to do Direct Entry into Medicine and Surgery in Unilorin, what are the requirements needed and hope I wnt hav to do any exam, since I had upper honors in my first degree?
How many points do I need to gain a direct entry into Unilorin for the course “History and International studies” if I do Interim Joint Matriculation Board program
Faith I tink it is 7 to 9 points for interrel
Please i need information about this year direct entry form and when is it going to be available secondly with SLT (ND) certificate with upper credit what course can be offer. Thanks
Direct entry form should be out by May.
Can second class lower result; N.D in law have a chance to gain direct entry addmission in law at unilorin?
pls when will Jamb direct entry form and unilorin direct entry form be out pls
Check out for JAMB direct entry form by may.
pls when will jamb direct entry form and unilorin direct entry form for 2016 be out please
Here is my nce result…..1 teaching practice:B……2..Education:C…3..general studies:C….4: mathematics:D…5: intergrated science:D…..please I want o knw d course I can apply for….can I apply for educational magnmnt….pls kindly me no d available coursr for dis my result…wuld b hopin to hear frm u asap
Pls I need information and assistance on what to do, I have NCE result and I like to apply for direct entry into unilorin. Pls what is the next step for me to take that will really favour me. I want this. Admission
Richard, you will need to wait for JAMB direct entry form. Jamb direct entry form should be available by may.
Hello..pls hw cn I get unilorin past question..m urgently in need of it..dis z my email
pls do i need jamb direct entry form into unilorin or do i need only unilorin direct entry form as an ND holder??
You need JAMB direct entry form and unilorin post ume form.
I heard the direct entry form is out nw. Hw true is it pls
Please dose University of ilorin create chance for direct entry for people who want to study pharmacy with only ‘0’ level certificate
xplain more plz abat buying of jamb direct entry form and unilorin post utme form.
plz which course is available for science technology into uni ilorin for direct entry from a polytechnic
please kindly help me with past DE questions.this is my email-… thanks
Pls, I already registered for JAMB direct entry into UNILORIN.
So what’s next?
Submit your credentials to JAMB office, then apply for post ume when the form is out.
As an IJMB student presently, what are my chances of gaining admission into unilorin via direct entry.. really need enlightenment. Thank you
please does unilorin still take direct entry with the international baccalaureate. thank you.
can I still obtain the form… direct entry. computer science lower credit
can someone with 3.49cgpa fitted for direct entry programme
Pls can I get admission Into 200l sandwich with NCE result at university of Ilorin
wat is the difference between jamb direct entry form and uni Ilorin direct entry form. Pls explain.
i have nce result of 12point with ssce level complete in one sitting and have done jamb regularisation for jamb reg no,wat next am i going to do