Enugu state
IJMB study Centre is now in Enugu state for interested ijmb candidates.
This is to inform the general public that we now have IJMB study centre in enugu state. Students ready to register for the programme can now obtain their application form at our Enugu state study centre. We advise prospective students to avoid making payment into any account because of the rate at which internet scam have increased in the past few years. Students can visit our study centre in Enugu for Ijmb registration.
One of the major reasons why we advise prospective students in Enugu State to register at our study centre is to help them avoid costly errors that they can easily make without guidance. Another reason is the idea of making payments into an account that is in no way associated with us. This is because we do not have our account details online.
Also read: Ijmb registration deadline for 2018/2019
Every year, more than 1.2 million students do sit for JAMB examination with the dream of gaining admission into their desired institution but unfortunately it is just a fraction that ultimately realise this dream. We recommend IJMB programme for students who which to gain admission into Nigerian university without JAMB.
IJMB certificate is recognized by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a requirement for admission into Nigerian universities and abroad.
Check breakdown of I.J.M.B fees here
IJMB examination is also certified by Nigeria University Commission (NUC) as an Advanced level examination that qualify students to gain admission into 200lv without JAMB and our study centres are accredited.
In a bid to make registration and undergoing the programme easier for prospective students in Enugu and her neighboring states, we decided to work with the IJMB centre in enugu. Although our IJMB study centre in Enugu is new, IJMB programme is not new and also we are not new in the programme.
One of our major goals is to make the programme accessible to prospective students in all states by creating links to locating ijmb Study centres in every state in Nigeria.
Students are required to select three IJMB subjects related to their preferred course. E.g Medicine = physics, chemistry and biology, law= CRS, Govt and literature etc It could be Arts, Social Sciences or Sciences. Candidates would undergo lectures 9-11 months at their Study Centre and thereafter sit for IJMB final exam which is usually February every. IJMB result is usually released two months after the examination after which successful candidates can apply into their choice of university to secure admission into 200level through Direct Entry.
Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) programme is open to candidates interested in undergoing the programme. The programme provide students with the choice of offering any course be it Science, Art or Social Science.
ALSO READ: IJMB Form is out
As at the time of this post, westudy Centres in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Imo and Ilorin, Abia, Akwa Ibom Lagos, Ibadan etc
Requirements for admission into IJMB programme
*Five O/L credit passes as contain in jamb brochure.
*Awaiting result can also apply but O/L result must be available before University admission.
*O’Level Result (Max of 2 sittings)
*Four (10) Passport Photographs
*Certificate of State of origin (Optional)
Note that;
*No JAMB/PUTME score is needed for Admission
*Awaiting Result Candidates too can Apply
*A non-refundable form fee of #8,000 (which includes Registration and logistics) is to be payed.
Our Enugu state I.J.M.B centre is along Ogui Road, Adjacent Rangers Football Club, Enugu state..
For related enquiries, please use the comment box or contact us via the phone numbers below:
pls ave been liking for ur center in Enugu, wit the specified address u gave, all to no avail. ogui road u are talking about, is it stadium side or new layout side
Please, contact us if you are finding it difficult to locate us 07032375931
Pls how much is every thing both the registration and hostel fee and also how long is the program,and also can some1 make half payment then when u start school you complete it,and what if u are goin from home without living in the hostel, how much is your fees?thanks
Do Enugu centre have it hostle? Here’s my email for the details. Kamahmiracle17@gmail.com
Yes kamah
Please what’s the cost of staying in the hostel for the total academic session.Pls, reply as soon as possible.tnks