IJMB Registration Portal - How to Obtain IJMB Form

IJMB Guide Registration Website| IJMBE FORM | IJMB REGISTRATION | WHAT IS IJMB | ABOUT IJMB / IJMB Helplines: 08078187910

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You can reach us directly via the phone numbers or email address below. You can also send text messages if numbers are out of reach or busy, thanks.

Head office
123 Ibusa Road, Opposite Winners Chapel, Asaba, Delta State.

We have study centres in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Nasarawa, Ibadan, Anambra etc

Call Head Office: 08078187910

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  1. Charles Akpoghenobor

    Does UNICAL accept IJMB for medicine? How do we get the past exam questions of IJMB?

    1. Does University of Ilorin accept IJMB for medicine? Can I still register?

    2. What science courses can be offered in Unilorin through A levels with 5 points?



  4. What do you need us to explain to you?

  5. Pls is there any entrance examination for the ijmb students?

  6. Is there any entrance examination for the ijmb applicant?

    1. That depends on your study centre.

  7. Sir, could you give me a comprehensive detail of ijmbe centre approval requirement? Thanks.

  8. Is the registration still on? Cos I want to apply immediately

    1. Yes. Registration is currently on going. You can register at any of our registration centres.

  9. Where can i get your centre in Taraba state?

  10. Were is nuhu bamalli poly is located

  11. where do you have your office location or are you limited to phone and online links only? A lot has fallen victims of unsuspected scams recently trying to register. What would you do to save the situation?..

    1. We have advised students severally to avoid making payments into Bank account. Although there are some accredited centres who display their account details online, the fraudulent once are more.

      We advice students to always visit any of our accredited registration centres closer to them for proper registration and to avoid such issues.

  12. are d text books fee compulsory?

  13. does it also mean dat wen we register for IJMB, it is still next year we wud resume?

  14. Good evening admin.i just dropped out of OOU due to financial reasons and I was told about ijmb.where is the nearest study centre to ogun state? And how much is the form because I am seeing different amounts online.

    1. We have study centres at Ibadan and Ilorin.

  15. If i register for ijamb now in lagos can i use it in another state? Does oau accept ijamb?

    1. Yes, you can. OAU does not accept IJMB.

  16. subject combination for “information communication technology”.

  17. Good morning I’ll like to know if the study centres @ ibadan because when I registered in lagos here dey told me the place they know of is ilorin

    1. we have study centres in Ibadan. please, contact any of the numbers above for further enquiry.

      1. Can i please have the list of universities that accept 3points both private and state.. Thank you

  18. Can 3 points be accepted into any state university?

  19. Morning Admin. Pls sir is IJMB form on sale right now, precisely in the university of Jos?

  20. Good afternoon, please I would like to purchase the ijmb form for unibadan.

    1. What we have in University of Ibadan is a registration centre


    I would like to confirm if i can still meet up for 2016 ijmb registration, if yes. Lagos stste study centered will be required.

  22. Does unical accepts ijmb for accounting into 200 level?

  23. Good day,
    Please I need answers to these questions.
    1. Can I register and then submit my O’level results later probably February because I don’t want to use my current waec result because of some obvious reasons and I want to write NECO EXTERNAL.
    2. Are there IJMB study centres in the east?
    3.which is the procedure to apply because there are so many account numbers on line and from different sites and I don’t feel safe paying into any.
    4. Can I pay my fees two months after resumption?
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. We replied your mail already.

  24. pls is the form still available, coz I want to obtain it and I want to no some more information

    1. The sales if IJMB application form is still on going. Kindly call us for more information.

  25. am from jos pls I want to knw information on ijmb in jos

  26. Good afternoon,I was told we are going to be given an entrance exam before we become students of the ijmb program.can I please get the syllabus for physics,biology and chemistry to help me prepare better.thankz

  27. An IJMB Candidate.Pls,I ask if the Syllabus for Physics can be sent to the gmail attached to this.I’ll be so grateful.THANK YOU

    1. Your coordinator is expected to provide that sir.

  28. Plz Sir Av Registered Nd Av Paid Mai Acceptance Fee And Accomodation Fee Sir.
    Cn I Pay Mai Tuition Fee Wen We Resume Cos They Z They Wil Send Message To Us.Plz Sir Wen Wil We Resume Sir.Tankz Sir.

    1. Yes you can. Please, you can also call us via 07032375931 for more information.

  29. Please where is the center of IJMB in Lagos state?

  30. sir..i registered for the program and was done in any payment except my shool,acconodation and others fees and unfortunatly to me,am resuming school on 6th of march.but still with me here my school fees are not yet intact,so my worries is this;will the admission(ijmb program) be deniey from me due to the late resumption with the school fees?

    1. This question is not clear. Can you kindly call us?

  31. or is it mandatory i must resume on the 6th with the school fees?

    1. Have you made payment for accommodation and acceptance

  32. is there any need of me sir..coming to school with home ultility such as matrass,cooking ultences,refidgerator,and others?

    1. You can buy what you need when you resume.

  33. lastly..when coming for the program via ilorin,what are the things i need to come with for the school documentation.eg: passport etc because i live very far from ilorin.

  34. Plz Sir Does Ui And Unilorin Accepts Ijmb For 200L.

  35. Can I Wish To Do Mai Final Exam In The Sixth Month?

  36. please when is this year result coming out or when will it be released?

    1. Any moment from now. It will be posted on this site when it is out.

  37. please what the registration closing date for 2017

  38. 1. Can one obtain the form for another?
    2. In what month must I complete my fee?
    3. Is the accomodation fee optional?

    1. 1. That is possible.
      2. Within four months of resumption.
      3. Yes. Accommodation is optional.

  39. pls is their any accredited center in Anambra,,, and how efficient is it? and location precisely

  40. Please is the form for 2017/2018 still available?

    1. The form currently on sale is that of 2018/2019

  41. Please is the form for 2017/2018 still available? Please reply as soon as possible

  42. does u.I accept ijmb into 200 level

  43. my examination is not waes, neco, and nabtab my examination is nbais ane my result is not releses is held, can i aply ijmb program before my result releses.
    i need answer ijmb

    1. Yes! You can apply with awaiting result.

  44. can sm body registered IJMB in ibadan, but after the programme, be able to obtain admission (200 L) in another institution like uni-jos?


  46. When can start 2017/18 ijmb lecture from sule lamido university?

  47. can i still apply for ijmb program now

  48. good day
    pls I need information about nuhu bamali ijmb program. is the form still on sale and how can one register?

  49. I register ijmb on the direct website those it affect the university i choose too attend classes nd pay school fees,even without going too my study center

    1. You question is not very clear to us.

  50. I have registered but i havent seen any message what going on?

    1. Kindly send your registration details to edu.ijmb@gmail.com

  51. Pls how many points do Abu Zaria accept for pharmacy and nursing science

  52. lawal tajudeen adewale

    After sending the the scanned doc. we i received any mail from the email

  53. Hello sir
    What I’m seeing online is that the form is still available for 2019/2020 but i also saw it that the form closed on 22nd of this February. So I’m confused please when exactly is it closing and can i still obtain tge form in February ending on 28th

    1. Application for IJMB programme is still ongoing. Kindly register here; http://www.ijmbguide.com/ijmbform/

  54. Please when is the next form coming out

  55. Does IU accept Telecom for ijmb?

  56. when is the ijmb form coming out for this year

  57. when is ijmb form coming out for this year

    1. The form is currently on sale.

  58. Hello . please when is the closing date for 2019 ijmb registration? Do you have any study centre in Niger state? When will 2019 session starts?

  59. Çan delsu accept ijmb for nursing science?

  60. those university of port hacourt accept Ijmb fr petrochemical engr

  61. pls what is the total amount of money for apply ijmb registration in any centres?

    1. Between #140,000 to #180,000

  62. Does Zaria accept 9 points for ijmb,for study surveying & geoinformatics

  63. I can’t get the fees for the program.

  64. When is ijmb registration for 2020 closing

  65. I have nt written waec, but can i still apply 4 the ijmb program. Nd is de fees per month.

    1. Registration is still ongoing. The fee is not monthly

  66. Pls my centre is in lugbe I live in wuse two,
    can I be transferred to wuse
    2 clcentre?

    1. kindly call our contact line.

  67. Pls what can I study with 7point in art department pls

  68. Pls does unn accepts ijmb?

  69. By using my examination number how can check my jamb

  70. Hi, I want to know if Nigeria Defense Academy/ Nigeria Police College accept IJMB

  71. Please sir is IJMB registration form still available for 2021/2022

  72. Just to confirm whether your offer health service Administration courses

  73. When is 2023 ijmb registration closing date

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