Let us get this straight. There are no free IJMB past questions and answers pdf download anywhere. Don’t just download crap online and think you are good to go.
IJMB past question and answer is now a necessity as admission into IJMB programme requires candidates to sit for Its examination conducted in various designated institutions at the end of the programme. In our previous Post, we wrote on “how to prepare for I.J.M.B examination successfully” and if you understood the post very well, you should be among those that have been calling us for IJMB past questions and answers.
The sad news is that, it is not free. But you are fortunate because We have almost all the past questions available for sale. They copies are hard copies.
This is one of the best study materials (ijmb past questions and answers) for all IJMB students. This is true because IJMB tend to set previous questions in many cases.
It does not matter if your specialization is Arts/Humanities, sciences or social sciences, you need IJMB past questions and answers to enhance your preparation for IJMB final examination .
Among other examination preparation materials, we will want you to know that IJMB past question and answer is an added advantage to you. For the benefit of those of us that does not know what ijmb is all about, let me explain a little about it.
IJMB means interim joint matriculation board .
It is a nine month programme that enables students “Gain direct admission into 200lv without JAMB“
For complete ijmb past questions and answers your can reach out to https://ijmbe.website/ on Helpline: 08032310760
NOTE: Candidate who applied with ijmb.website will automatically get their past questions along with textbook at the study centre.
Please use the comment box if you have related questions to ask. We will reply as soon as possible.
Without litrature which course can be offer now
It depends on the courses you offered.
since .lectures is on now, then it means Am late to partake in ijmb.
Is it all skul Dat require ijmb through direct entry or dey accept it without direct entry… Will b glad getting a comprehensive feedback… Thnks
Direct entry is needed.
For instance i apply for ijmb as a medical student, but after my final exams i do have the point to study medicine, will the university give me a similar course to study?
please sir I am confused about this ijmb registration. they are many site with different prices an different account numbers. how can one no the real one to pay money an get registered
can I purchase the past question and write the upcoming exam by February??
sir pls I want to know is all school will accept ijmb cert for direct entry 2ool
Please follow this link for “Nigerian Universities that accept Ijmb“
is it too late to start ijmb
The form is currently on Sale now
does it mean dat ibadan does nt accept ijmb g medidcine n pharmacy
Yes Oluwaseun
Is ATBU IJMB the same with this one…
will one have to write direct entry exams after getting direct entry form?
does ibadan require jamb after getting ijmb result or it’s both direct entry and jamb?
Please I need the correct fee because I can see different fees but the same account details.Pls I need a fast reply because am paying these week.
There are different IJMB centres nationwide and the fees vary from Centre to centres and from States to States. We will advice that you call us via 07032375931 for clarifications.
Please I need the real price for this year ijmb,because I can see different prices.please I need a fast reply because I am paying this week.
There are different IJMB centres nationwide and the fees vary from Centre to centres and from States to States. We will advice that you call us via 07032375931 for clarifications.
wl d hostel be provide by ijmb wit feeding or personalty..
Accommodation will be provided. Students will take care of their feeding.
Can you pay for only the form and registration and will not pay for class and will not attend.. Can someone write the exam only that??
That is possible. You will need to pay your school fee.
hello sir please text the address to me am from ogun state i am coming to ilorin tomorrow
Pls Hw Can I Download Ijmb Past Question
Have you made payment?
it there any thing like change of course after you have register for law or any other higher course
You question is not so clear.
assuming u don’t reach d cutoff mark for pharmacy after every exam will you b given any other course dat ur cutoff mark reach
Yes! You can choose another course .
is IJMB accepted in unilorin and can there be any means we can know some questions?
i have registered to ijmb and wrote my waec this year n i did not pass maths and literature pls what is my fate now? will b send out or will i will given opportunity to rewrite wec next year?
You can rewrite your WAEC exam.
Is the form currently on Sale
Please sir i need the past questions and this is my Gmail. asimiolalekan1@gmail.com i will be glad if you can do this for me sir
how many students are they in each hostel.
Three to five
Sir please I want to know how the do set there entrance exams.are we going to use jamb past questions to read for entrance exams or wat
Our centres do not organize entrance exam
how can we get ijmb questions
Please, contact the number above
Hi. I’m just thinking of getting the form. Hope its still available? I mean the 2016 form. Somebody help. I really need this.
Pls could dre b any reliable source of getting ijmb runs Pls? .can u help provide Dat. .pls
Please sir/ma’am, how much is the school fees for the whole 10 months
Follow this link for breakdown of fees http://ijmbguide.com/2016/11/01/i-j-m-b-fees-for-20172018-session/
can i still purchase the 2016 form and do the final exam next year
No Olamilekan
please do you mean i cant participate in the final exam by february
or can i still get the form
The registration currently on going is for 2017/2018 session.
anybody there to answer that?
Where can I buy d past questions and answers for social science student
pls sir..how many student did unilorin do admit very year for those who pass IJMB exams? plx sir I need d answer very fast…plzzzzx
pls I’m in Lagos and i want to register for ijmb
can I still meet up with this February own.
No you cannot meet up. Registration for next session is currently on going.
Plz who can i get geography 1,2 and 3 past questions?
Please kindly call the any of the numbers above
Hi, my name is muting from plateau state, I need some help from you I am seriously in need of the IJMB past questions and answers of pure sciences(chemistry,physics, biology) right from inception. Hope you reply soon. Thanks
Please call us
If u see pple like dat. That means they are 419 because u need to go to any of ur desire a level center to register. In our center no any online payments until u come to our school.
The school fees for the whole months is #150,000 my dear sister
Fees also depends on your study centre.
Is the fee payable to the centers where we registered or directly to ABU Zaria.
You are to make payment at the center where you registered
I wish to go for port Harcourt Ijmb study centre. Any hope?
I mean for 2017/2018 session
Yes. Kindly contact us. We have registration centre at Choba also
We ar stl on preparation for ijmb exam on 16feb 2017
We wish you success.
how can we get ijmb area of concentration
IJMB past questions AND Answers is what you need at this point. Your lectures are supposed to be in the position to provide you with the areas of concentration if you are undergoing your programme in a good centre
I need geography past questions
how many questions are been asked in ijmb final examination?
I will be glad if the past questions will be send to my email omahsolomon62@gmail.com
please, I need ijmb past questions, especially for biology.thank you sir
Kindly call us.
when is ijmb starting next year 2018
Registration is still ongoing for this session.
Do you have ijmb past question for chemistry, maths and physics and how much is the past question
Do you have ijmb 2017 past question for chemistry, math
and physics and how much is the past question. Pls reply me